The annual Industry Week, which is a highlight for business students each year, was held virtually in 2021 with Level 3 Business students taking part. During the week, businesses from across the North East set live briefs for students, allowing them to gain experience working on real industry problems.
Big-names-in-business Reynolds HR, Suitability and Chronic Insights, worked with Newcastle College students to give them a real insight into life in industry.
Students were challenged to find ways for the businesses to develop brand awareness and target new audiences and presented this back at the end of the week to employers, who were impressed with the fresh outlook of the students.
Tony Harmieson, from Sadler Brown, said: “We found the week fantastic to be involved with and the students covered a huge amount in such a short timescale. Their teamwork and work ethic should be highly commended and they presented an extremely slick presentation to us at the end of the week.
“I’m very proud to have been involved with such an inspiring, forward-thinking young team.”
Industry Week was a great success for both businesses and students, with many of the companies involved looking to take on the ideas created during the week.
Stewart Platt of Amazing Radio said: “Industry Week was well organised, and highly beneficial for us taking part. The students thought of some fantastic strategies and we are looking forward to implementing them into our business.”
The experience gained by students in Industry Week helps to prepare them for industry with the opportunity to find solutions and strategies to solve real business problems.
Speaking about her experience, Business student Bethany Sales said: “I think the week went really well. It encouraged all of us to step out of our comfort zone and speak to new people, as well as giving me an insight into things that may not work in a business.
“Getting to hear everyone’s solutions to the problems the businesses faced was really interesting!”
Industry Week received positive feedback from all involved and the skills developed by students during the week will support their studies and future careers in industry.