Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your background, etc.?
I attended an Open Event at Newcastle College with the intentions of working in the railway industry. I was 20 at the time and had ambitions to get into a progressive career within rail.
How did you hear about Newcastle College? Did you attend an Open Day prior to starting at the College? If so, did you find it useful?
The Open Event at Newcastle College was very useful for me. Speaking to tutors meant that I was able to get advice on what the course would involve and the types of roles I could go on to if on the course.
What made you decide to come to the College and enrol on the course you selected?
The facilities at Newcastle College and the Rail and Civil Engineering Academy are second to none. By visiting the College I found out how much of the course would be practical-based, which in my opinion is the best way to learn!
How would you describe the advice and support you received from college and the tutors?
The advice I got from tutors was excellent while both on the course and when I finished my studies. The tutors are from industry so their knowledge is always up-to-date and at the highest standard - never leaving a question unanswered! They will always go the extra mile to help you.
What did you enjoy most about your course?
The practical activities are the most enjoyable on the course. You face real-life scenarios in the workshop and work in teams to problem solve.
Tell us about what you did after your course before you came to work at Newcastle College.
After successfully finishing my course I received my Personal Track Safety (PTS) qualification which led to me gaining a job for Ganymede as a track worker. I also had a range of opportunities to work on big projects alongside Network Rail and Nexus too. After working for Ganymede, I then moved to Vital which led to me into further projects all over the UK. This also progressed me into team leading on maintenance jobs.
How do you feel that the course has benefitted you now you are a staff member at Newcastle College?
It has really benefitted me! The Rail Track Engineering Maintenance course has helped me gain a high level of knowledge on railway aspects and allowed me to go into industry and have hands-on experience to be able to share with our students.
What has been your highlight in teaching to date?
A highlight of my teaching journey so far was receiving an email from a student just finishing his course to tell me he had been successfully accepted into an signalling apprenticeship with Nexus – a very proud moment!
What are the benefits of being part of a national group NCG?
Being part of NCG means that we are committed to creating inclusive communities of excellent learning and teaching which benefit from sharing best practice developed across the seven colleges. It’s great to be part of a group that is helping the workforce of the future to develop the skills they need to be successful.
What are your ambitions for the future?
My ambitions are to make my programme the best learning environment for my all my students both now and in the future.
What would you say to anyone thinking of studying this course with Newcastle College?
If you are practically minded and wanting to move into a progressive industry this course is for you. If you work hard you will get lots of opportunities and you’ll thoroughly enjoy your studies.
Could you describe your time at Newcastle College in one sentence?
Great opportunities to succeed!
List your top five tips for adult learners
- Work hard
- Attend every session
- Go above and beyond
- Ask questions
- Stand out from the crowd.