Building and civil engineering technicians
Building and civil engineering technicians perform a variety of technical support functions to assist civil and building engineers.
Median Salary
New workers start around £20,023. Normal pay is £30,072 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £47,482.
Daily Tasks
- Inspects construction materials and supervises work of contractors to ensure compliance with specifications and arranges remedial work as necessary.
- Sets out construction site, supervises excavations and marks out position of building work to be undertaken.
- Performs calculations and collects, records and interprets data.
- Sets up apparatus and equipment and undertakes field and laboratory tests of soil and work materials.
Skills employers are asking for
- Mathematics
- Reading Comprehension
- Active Learning
- Critical Thinking
- Writing
- Active Listening
- Speaking
- Learning Strategies
- Monitoring
- Science