Ofsted 2016 Report: Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Score
The overall effectiveness of Newcastle College was scored as ‘Good’ in the 2016 Ofsted report.
One area which was praised was the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
Our Ofsted Reports
Here is a summary of the findings:
• The College’s teaching, learning and assessment are good across most provision types.
• There are excellent resources available, including support teaching and learning.
• There is a high level of commitment shown by teachers in support of learners.
• Classroom-based tasks use a wide range of activities to help a learner’s knowledge and understanding.
• Learners and staff treat each other with care and respect.
• Teachers give good attention to subject-specific vocabulary.
• Many teachers promote understanding of diversity well.
• Teachers take care to keep up to date with industry standards and changes.
You can read the full report here, and also read the 2016 and 2018 reports for Newcastle College’s Ofsted inspections.